“The manifold perfections of creatures – their truth, their goodness, their beauty – all reflect the infinite perfection of God.” ~Catechism of the Catholic Church, 41.
About the Author
Peter Darcy has been dubbed “the patron saint of everyday Catholic storytelling.”
He is the creator of this site and an avid writer and editor who spent thirty years as a missionary and teacher. He is a columnist for Catholic365 and worked for years as a managing editor for CatholicStand.com.
He is the author of eleven books, seven of which he ghostwrote for others. Natures of Fire: God’s Magnificent Angels (2021) is his most recent book with his Seven Leadership Virtues of Joan of Arc and No-Nonsense Non-Profit, published in 2020. He has several more books in various stages in the publishing process, to be issued in 2023 and 2024.
His great passion is educating others about the power of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. In 2020 he launched the Sacred Windows initiative for this purpose. The articles on the Sacred Windows website are the primary focus of his writing, but he augments these with feature items such as the Mini-Windows and the Substack platform page, Sacred Windows Vignettes, regularly. And don’t forget to sign up for the Sacred Windows Newsletter on the sidebar of any article page!
Those wishing to contact Peter may use his email, peterdarcy@sacredwindows.com, or the contact form on this site.
Peace in Christ to all!

About the Author
Peter Darcy has been dubbed “the patron saint of everyday Catholic storytelling.”
He is the creator of this site and an avid writer and editor who spent thirty years as a missionary and teacher. He is a columnist for Catholic365 and a managing editor for CatholicStand.com.
He is the author of ten books, of which Natures of Fire: God’s Magnificent Angels (2021) is his most recent. He also published The Seven Leadership Virtues of Joan of Arc and No-Nonsense Non-Profit, both in 2020.
His great passion is educating others about the power of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. In 2020 he launched the Sacred Windows initiative for this purpose.
Sacred Windows has several paid opportunities per year for other writers to contribute to the discussion about the transcendental values. If you are an experienced writer and would like to share a Beauty-Truth-Goodness witness to this audience, kindly contact Peter at the following email, peterdarcy@sacredwindows.com, to propose your idea.
Peace in Christ to all!
About the Site
Welcome to Sacred Windows!
Beauty, Truth, and Goodness are qualities of the universe that both ancient pagan and Christian traditions call the transcendental values. These eternal values are beyond this world but also in the world. They imbue our mundane circumstances with life and in some mysterious way bring us into the presence of God. They are often referred to simply as the Transcendentals.
We may say that we can “see” the triune God through the faint outlines and mystical colors of these three stained glass windows of heaven.
The indefinable God reveals Himself perfectly only in Jesus Christ, but He also communicates His life in mysterious ways through these three qualities written into His creation.
God is Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
To a believer, the sacred windows are radiant channels of grace. To a non-believer they are invitations to supernatural faith.

About the Site
Welcome to Sacred Windows!
Beauty, Truth, and Goodness are qualities of the universe that both ancient pagan and Christian traditions call the transcendental values. These eternal values are beyond this world but also in the world. They imbue our mundane circumstances with life and in some mysterious way bring us into the presence of God. They are often referred to simply as the Transcendentals.
We may say that we can “see” the triune God through the faint outlines and mystical colors of these three stained glass windows of heaven.
The indefinable God reveals Himself perfectly only in Jesus Christ, but He also communicates His life in mysterious ways through these three qualities written into His creation.
God is Beauty, Truth and Goodness.
To a believer, the sacred windows are radiant channels of grace. To a non-believer they are invitations to supernatural faith.
About the Windows
A window is a barrier of some fragile material that stands between the outside and the inside. Here, the outside is the world of God’s creation; the inside is the inner world of each human soul. When we encounter the many forms of Beauty, Truth and Goodness around us, our souls are gazing through sacred windows.
Beauty appeals to and affects human emotions. It is the foundation for the supernatural gift of Hope. Of all God’s creatures, only humans have the capacity to feel deeply the beauty and inspiration of the created world and hope for something even loftier.
Truth nurtures the intellect and is the foundation of the supernatural gift of Faith. Truth helps us perceive right and wrong. It saves us from error and ennobles us to live in community and in harmony with God’s creation. The mind must be fed constantly with truth in order to thrive and grow.
Goodness strengthens the will and is the foundation of the supernatural gift of Charity, the very essence of God’s Life. Authentic love always takes the form of concrete acts of goodness: heroism, generosity, self-sacrifice. Our souls are enriched and strengthened even by the humble goodness we find all around us.

About the Windows
A window is a barrier of some fragile material that stands between the outside and the inside. Here, the outside is the world of God’s creation; the inside is the inner world of each human soul. When we encounter the many forms of Beauty, Truth and Goodness around us, our souls are gazing through sacred windows.
Beauty appeals to and affects human emotions. It is the foundation for the supernatural gift of Hope. Of all God’s creatures, only humans have the capacity to feel deeply the beauty and inspiration of the created world and hope for something even loftier.
Truth nurtures the intellect and is the foundation of the supernatural gift of Faith. Truth helps us perceive right and wrong. It saves us from error and ennobles us to live in community and in harmony with God’s creation. The mind must be fed constantly with truth in order to thrive and grow.
Goodness strengthens the will and is the foundation of the supernatural gift of Charity, the very essence of God’s Life. Authentic love always takes the form of concrete acts of goodness: heroism, generosity, self-sacrifice. Our souls are enriched and strengthened even by the humble goodness we find all around us.
About the Reader
We grow as individuals through God’s grace; our bodies grow through nourishment, emotions grow through expression, and our minds grow through education. But what makes our souls grow?
Our souls grow through exposure to Beauty, Truth and Goodness. The more of these qualities our souls take in, the stronger and more spiritually mature they become.
The aim of the articles on this site is to touch your imagination with Beauty, your mind with Truth and your will with Goodness so that you will grow spiritually and become a saint.
Some articles will give you insight into little-known or under-appreciated blessings of our vast Christian Tradition. Other posts will delight, strengthen and inspire you to be a better person. Still others will open your heart to new realities in performance art, human ingenuity, spirituality, nature, science, art and culture.
Every post is an opportunity for spiritual growth. When looking through these windows, eyesight is less important than insight.
We welcome your feedback as you read the articles.

About the Reader
We grow as individuals through God’s grace; our bodies grow through nourishment, emotions grow through expression, and our minds grow through education. But what makes our souls grow?
Our souls grow through exposure to Beauty, Truth and Goodness. The more of these qualities our souls take in, the stronger and more spiritually mature they become.
The aim of the articles on this site is to touch your imagination with Beauty, your mind with Truth and your will with Goodness so that you will grow spiritually and become a saint.
Some articles will give you insight into little-known or under-appreciated blessings of our vast Christian Tradition. Other posts will delight, strengthen and inspire you to be a better person. Still others will open your heart to new realities in performance art, human ingenuity, spirituality, nature, science, art and culture.
Every post is an opportunity for spiritual growth. When looking through these windows, eyesight is less important than insight.
We welcome your feedback as you read the articles.
The Web Excellence Awards is a leading international interactive web awards competition highlighting the “best of the best” in web design and development. The award of excellence is given to those entrants whose ability to represent them as the best of the Web with more than 800 entries in over 30 countries worldwide.
Sacred Windows is the 2021 winner for the category of Religion & Spirituality.
In loving memory of Fr. Robert Markovich, MD (1960-2020), the humble shepherd of souls featured in “The Clothes Make the Man“.