“In a conflict between truth and darkness, truth cannot lose.” ~Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Article Categories
The Science Behind Jesus’ Blood Type
Blood is seldom considered a pleasant topic, especially by [...]
The Hidden Hierarchy of Grace in the Litany of Loreto
In the month of May, we Catholics renew our [...]
Celebrating Easter with the Fabulous Fabergé Eggs
The secular world has a terrible habit of taking [...]
The Our Father Chanted in Aramaic
In theory, at least, most people believe that art [...]
An Irish Treasure That Has Survived for 12 Centuries
Apart from divine intervention, there is little other explanation [...]
The Incomparable Codex Vaticanus
If you were to ask a bible-only preacher if [...]
The Aromatic Beauty of Liturgical Incense
We’ve just passed the Feast of the Epiphany and [...]
Is This the Largest Thurible in the World?
It’s called the Botafumeiro, literally “the smoke expeller” in [...]
Madonna and Child Look-Alikes Through the Ages
The Madonna is one of the most beloved forms [...]
This Was One Extraordinary Family
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” we [...]