The Beautiful “Veni Sancte Spiritus” Sung by Taizé
Eight weeks after Easter every year the Church commemorates [...]
The Radiant Jewels and Precious Stones of Heaven
The reality that there is a Heaven and that [...]
Angels of the Resurrection and Their Dazzling Glory
Everyone should know that angels exist. But how would [...]
The Science Behind Jesus’ Blood Type
Blood is seldom considered a pleasant topic, especially by [...]
The Hidden Hierarchy of Grace in the Litany of Loreto
In the month of May, we Catholics renew our [...]
This is Arguably the World’s Most Beautiful Library
If it is not the most beautiful library in [...]
The Easter Alleluia in Sublime Gregorian Chant
A more beautiful form of music does not exist. [...]
Celebrating Easter with the Fabulous Fabergé Eggs
The secular world has a terrible habit of taking [...]
How the Book of Revelation Inspired 7 Tiffany Windows
If you’re intimidated by the very idea of reading [...]
Andrea Bocelli Sings the Our Father with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
There is hardly a more beautiful voice on the [...]