“In a conflict between truth and darkness, truth cannot lose.” ~Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
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The Clothes Make the Man
A few years ago I had the privilege of [...]
Tissot’s View from the Cross
Most artists do one thing well and focus primarily [...]
Fierce International Competition for Christ Statues
(Click on images to enlarge) 112 feet [...]
Frightening Domes in our National Basilica
Some years ago on a study tour, I was [...]
What Does the IHS Symbol Really Mean?
Even a casual observer of religious symbols will likely [...]
What the 3 Talking Animals in the Bible Tell Us
As kids, most of us learned some moral and [...]
Abbot and Costello’s Funniest Routine
Can you imagine a world without humor? Think how [...]
The Beautiful “Veni Sancte Spiritus” Sung by Taizé
Eight weeks after Easter every year the Church commemorates [...]
The Radiant Jewels and Precious Stones of Heaven
The reality that there is a Heaven and that [...]
Angels of the Resurrection and Their Dazzling Glory
Everyone should know that angels exist. But how would [...]